Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday Morning

Good Morning,

So yet again another super fun filled Saturday night of being on the couch and then going to be early with stomach pains. I have been to the doctors twice and soon I will have tests done to see why I have so many stomach issues. I think I have passed the point of this being, as my mother in law calls it, "just an Irish stomach". We will see. The best part about it all was going to bed early let me wake up early and roll over to see Sean in our bed. It was such a great feeling of having a normal marriage for a minute. I just sat there and watched him sleep and was thankful that we were able to spend this weekend together in our house and not have all the worries of the world faces us.

If you are a bit confused by this Sean is back in IL for a little while working with my dad's company. I am still in Michigan. So we are only seeing each other on the weekends. The sad part is; this isn't that odd for us. We spent our entire engagement this was, as well as the first five months of our marriage. It isn't the best situation, but it is manageable. While I am here in Michigan still I have been avidly looking for a new job back in the Chicago land area. I don't want to have it take so long to find a job again. I am looking for work in the same field I am in now, Clinical Research. I have a few leads and the biggest one I will find more out about tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for that one. :) Keep your fingers crossed and say some prayers that this one works out. It would be a step up in my career and could lead to many new things down the road. It is God's hands as to what will happen and I am comfortable with that.

Well I am off now. Sean is still asleep and I want to be a "Good Wife" and make him breakfast in bed. Or I will run across the street and buy doughnuts. :)


Ken and Cari said...

Fun. So good to see what you are up to. It has been forever since our Disney days. Check out my blog at

Bobbie said...

YAY for a new blog!

I'm sorry that you are away from your hubby so much. You are a strong woman.